
Hey sweeties, isn’t it great that Spring has finally arrived! We’re so happy about it! πŸ™‚ There’s always so much to see… like the delicious looking cute little birdies that are flying by the window, or the bees that are buzzingΒ annoyingly loud happily as they collect pollen from the flowers… πŸ˜›

Enjoying the Spring...

But you won’t believe what we saw when we looked out of the window this morning. Not only was one of the neighbor’s cats dozing in our garden WITHOUT ASKING OUR PERMISSION FIRST…

Neighbor's Cat dozing...

…but there was also a black cat sitting in one of OUR trees (WITHOUT PERMISSION!) trying to catch one of those delicious looking cute little birdies… (lucky fellow!) 😦

Black Kitty...

And as if this wasn’t enough already, we also spotted a little thief sneaking up to the water barrel and drinking from said barrel… again WITHOUT ASKING FOR PERMISSION!!! Can you believe it!? The nerve of the neighbor’s cats!! πŸ‘Ώ

Barbie, the Water Thief...

The water thief must have been REALLY thirsty to drink that dirty water… ugh… we wouldn’t touch it if you paid us a million treats for it… πŸ˜‰ It’s rain water the humans use to water the plants in the garden… so it’s by no means meant to drink… but oh well… maybe thieves like to drink “rain flavored” water… who knows… πŸ˜‰

xoxo Roxy & Tigerlino πŸ™‚