42 thoughts on “Just for fun… 😺

  1. hahaha..love it!! Roxy…the eyes in the back of the head are just what I need….no creeping up and attacking me sis! Tigerlino…you have such an innocent looking face. They chose the right actress for that role.


  2. Aaaaaaw yous boff so cute. Weez weally been missin’ y’all. Not sure what’s been gon’ on, but weez just gllad to see you again. Have a pawsum day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  3. MOL MOL MOL..we are so super happy to see you sweeties..we were about to get mum to send out an SOS 🙂 hope you are all well and missed you heaps loves and paw pats Dinnerminzt and gang xxx

  4. We can’t wait to get that issue of Time in the mail! Oh, and when does that movie come out starring Tigerline? We want front row seats to that one!

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